The Cluster Benchmarking Task Force of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS) is calling for analyses of a selected data set in their recently launched Cluster Benchmark Data Repository. This call is part of a challenge connected with the IFCS 2017 conference in Tokyo.
The aim of the repository is to stimulate better practice in benchmarking (performance comparison of methods) for cluster analysis by providing a unique resource comprised of a wide variety of well-documented, high quality datasets and simulation routines for use in practical benchmarking.
A data set on baseline and outcome assessment of low back pain patients, along with associated meta-data and variable descriptions, can be downloaded at The Task Force is calling for individuals to contribute cluster analyses of this data set as part of a challenge (see details of the CHALLENGE CALL.
All researchers interested in clustering and classification are most welcome to participate in this challenge!
The extended deadline for submissions is MAY 31, 2017, 5pm CET. Happy clustering!